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Dаtе аddеd: 19.07.2012

Image ALT Tag Tips for HTML |.
Contents. Introduction to objects, images, and applets; Including an image: the IMG element; Generic inclusion: the OBJECT element. Rules for rendering objects
Alt Tags for Images Alternative Text for Images
Carol Alt Images Background Image Alt Text
Adding ALT tag to Images in JavaScript.
About ALT Tags. ALT Tags are invisible descriptions of images which are read aloud to blind users on a screen reader. Adding ALT text allows authors to include images
image tag alt
Image Tag and Attributes Defined | Image.WICHTIG!!! Text lesen hier, bevor noch jemand meckert!!!! Hier seht ihr 2 ganz süße (Zwerg)kaninchen babys die erst 1 Tag alt sind

Image ALT Tag Tips | AccessAbility
Objects, Images, and Applets in HTML.
Synopsis. Any time you use an image, be sure to include an ALT tag within the IMG tag. Doing so will provide a clear text alternative of the image for screen reader
HTML Images
Kaninchen babys (1 Tag alt) - YouTube
Okay, I'm having problems with this. I have a bunch of images on my site inside a JavaScript slide show function. It look like this: // to add more images, just
The next bit is "alt=" This is a required part of the image tag as far as the HTML folks are concerned. It is a text description of what the image is.
Definition and Usage. The <img> tag defines an image in an HTML page. The <img> tag has two required attributes: src and alt. Note: Images are not technically This video demonstrates how to use the Alt property in the Html Image Tag. It also tell the benefits of using it. NOTE:TO GET
HTML Images - The <img> Tag and the Src Attribute In HTML, images are defined with the <img> tag. The <img> tag is empty, which means that it contains attributes
image tag alt